Thursday, June 28, 2007

Falling from the Sky

So I have been doing this "abundance exercise" to help me not feel chest pains anytime I think about money. The idea is that I have a chequebook register & every day I write in a deposit that grows by $1000 every day. So on day one, I "deposited" $1000 & day 2 $2000 and so on. The other part of this is that I "spend" that money everyday (this is mental spending, not actual spending). This was pretty easy for the first couple of weeks. But now I am up to over $30,000 - it is, surprisingly, difficult to spend that much money, which is the point of the exercise. First of all, in the exercise, I have everything I need - I've renovated my entire house, gone on some really nice trips, bought new clothes and donated a whole pile to my favorite charities. That is actually what I have been doing all this week - giving money away to World Vision & Free the Children. What this causes you to do is to think bigger. If I had $30,000 to spend today, what would I spend it on? I spent $29,000 yesterday & will get to spend $31,000 tomorrow. It is a very neat exercise.

But here's the cool part - since I have started doing this exercise, I have had many things just given to me: a whole pile of new clothes, a Blackberry, 2 tickets to see Brian Tracey (worth $300 each), a new china cabinet, a slurpee, a coffee at Starbucks (this one was cool - I went to pay & the girl said, "Oh I can't take debit today - do you have any other way of paying?" I said sorry, no & she said "That's okay - it's on us today), and (drum-roll) a big screen tv. I just laugh now when it happens because it just keeps happening!

The whole point of this was to help me feel better about finances. Well it has certainly done that! Try it! It's fun & you will probably end up with some freebies out of it!