Sunday, March 11, 2007

Change is good...

Okay, well while I'm trying to figure out the picture stuff, I'll fill you in on some other revelations.
I am an opportunist - when I see an opportunity, I'm going to take it. So it was in Rio. We were at the Awards Banquet & people were mingling and dancing & just having a good time. Then I saw her across the room - Nicky Laman. Now for most of you, I am sure you have no idea who I am talking about. But for anyone who has been in Discovery Toys for any length of time & has done any training at all, you will know that Nicky has been around since the beginning of the company & is a Diamond Sales Director - the top rank in the company. This is a woman of influence & intelligence. I have heard her speak several times & above all, I just really jive with her. I love her philosophy & her way of approaching things. So there she was. I told her I wanted to see the "circles" - a way of diagraming to new people how to promote within the company that she came up with. It's nothing super scientific, by any stretch. It is, simply, circles. However, to spend 10 minutes sitting with Nicky and having essentially a one-on-one training was something I was not about to pass up. Can you guess what I have been doing since I returned? Having coffee with team members & drawing circles....
I have reached a point in Discovery Toys where the only way for me to go up is to help others go up. And I couldn't be happier about that. There is nothing that jump-starts my engine than to celebrate the success of others - especially if they're on my team! But not exclusively. For those of you that are familiar with the 5 love languages, mine is gift-giving. And maybe that's why I get a rush out of doing what Nicky did for me - taking the time to give someone a piece of advice that just might help them reach a new level in their business. It is one of the things that has surprised me the most out of the people I have met in this company. You would expect that a group of women working in the same area would be very catty & competitive but the opposite is true. I have met some of my closest friends in the last few years & we genuinely rejoice for each other at our successes. This is my kind of company - one that rewards you for helping others succeed.


Roo said...

welcome home cindi!! looking forward to seeing the pics! shalom...!!! i have never used flicker...i use picassa.

Cindi said...

So how do you use picassa (btw - I checked out your blog & it looks way cooler than mine - I need lessons!)