Monday, December 18, 2006

All the Noise Noise Noise...

There was a story on the news last night that said that Canadian toys have different regulations than other countries - they are made louder. Oh joy! (One more reason I love Discovery Toys). The kids are getting royally spoiled this Christmas, that much I know. We sat down with them the other night and chose some gifts from the World Vision catalogue to give as well. As they were looking at the pictures, they were of course drawn to how cute the bunnies and guinea pigs were. I told them, "Well, you know they wouldn't be for pets..." They both just stared at me. When I read them that bunnies were a good source of protein, Elijah almost started crying. He opted to give the soccer balls instead! Today, Elijah & I were browsing in a pet store and there were hamsters & guinea pigs, which he really wanted. He said he'd like a mouse or a hamster. I told him if we were ever to get one of them, we'd probably go with the guinea pig as my mom is terrified of mice & anything resembling them. Again, almost in tears he said to me "But Mom, if we get the guinea pig, I'll eat it. Remember - on the computer?"
It was just priceless.

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