Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Everything but rest...

Wow - what a wonderful Christmas this has been. I feel totally spoiled and it's at these times that I realize how lucky & loved I am - not because of the presents but because of all that this whole holiday thing represents. We also got some exciting news - my brother Rob is getting married!! Sabina is great & we are so excited to have her join the family. We spent Christmas day with my family & just returned from another family gathering with Troy's family.

I am, however, totally exhausted. I am not sure how much of this I can blame on the gatherings & merriment (with the exception of Eliora waking up at 5AM on Christmas morning). No, I have another source to blame...Troy & I started watching "Lost" this week. It's one of those shows that you can't just watch one episode of. We watch 3-4 in an evening (hoping to get through Season One before we are both back to work....which is in a couple days...not sure that's going to happen). This whole relatively new phenomenon of watching TV shows on DVD is quite intriguing and very addictive. We have gone through all of Firefly, Battlestar Galactica and now we've started Lost. We often comment how we can't imagine having to wait a whole week or more between episodes - which is, unfortunately the case with BSG. The other thing I have noticed with alot of the new shows (at least the good ones) is this trend of having a "mid-season finale." What is that all about!?!?! There isn't a new episode of BSG until the end of January. And of course it was left on a cliff-hanger.

Man, talk about a rabbit trail - I was talking about Christmas....Anyways, Eliora is dancing around in her new strap-on "Happy Feet" feet tappers asking for supper. Duty calls...life resumes. May the miracle of the baby laying in the straw live on for each of you long after the tree is down and the sales are over.

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